Copyright 2021 – Capital HR Solutions, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A Member of  Omni Consulting. All rights reserved. 

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Workplace Investigations

​​​A Member Company of Omni Consulting

Workplace investigations are often high risk, difficult, complex, and if not conducted properly, will lead to negative consequences for your business. We take the pressure off by following a sound process while ensuring diligence, impartiality and respect.

You can protect your organization by engaging a trained investigator who has the skill and experience to carry out a fair, thorough, and unbiased investigation. We make every effort to minimize disruption to your workplace and will ensure confidentiality. Our investigation report will provide you with the necessary fact-based information to allow you to move forward with confidence.

For matters that don’t proceed to a formal investigation, we can also offer employee relations advice, mediation support and respect in the workplace training.


Need an external third party to lead an investigation? Visit Omni Consulting to learn more.

Capital HR Solutions

Call: 780.975.7680  |